Our Systems & Policies


Richmond Health Clinic has an appointment system. We are proud to say that Appointments can be made in person, over the phone or online via our Website.

Walk-ins are welcome, however, please be aware wait times may vary. Same day appointments are available for urgent cases. A separate appointment must be made for each family member. 

Please ring 08 8234 6324 for an appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time.

Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforeseen delay or your GP has been called away.

Longer consultation times are available so please ask our receptionists if you require some extra time. If you or a family member require an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please let us know when you make the appointment.

Face to Face Appointments.

Each appointment lasts usually around 15 mins, which might vary depending on the complexity of the case. If you have more than one health concern or a complex issue to discuss, please request a longer appointment at the time of booking. 

Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and doctor. Emergencies will be given priority. We endeavour at all times to run on time. 

Fees may apply for patients who do not attend for a booked appointment. Please call to reschedule.

Please advise reception upon arriving at the practice if you are having any of the following symptoms: Chest pain, difficulty breathing, bleeding, convulsions or vomiting, Cold or Flu like symptoms.

Telephone Appointments

We prefer to see patients at the practice, however telephone consultations are available at the discretion of the doctor. In situations that this is not appropriate, you may still be required to present to the practice for a consultation should the doctor feel that a physical examination is required.

Please note Telehealth is only available for patients who are registered and seen before in the practice. Currently Telehealth has been extended till end of march 2021.

The GP may be contacted in the practice during normal surgery hours. If the GP is with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely that the GP will return your call. Your call will always be put through to the GP in an emergency.

Home & Other Visits

Home visits are available for regular patients of this practice whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery. A gap fee payment may apply.

If a telehealth consultation or a consultation at the practice is not sufficient. These visits are at the discretion of the doctor.

Due to time constraints, doctors are not able to take non-urgent phone calls from patients, as this call will be interrupting someone else’s consultation with the doctor. It would be preferable for you to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your issues or needs. This gives the doctor the opportunity to concentrate on you exclusively. 

Telephone Access

In some cases, the receptionist can take a message and returning your call will be at the discretion of the doctor. All non-urgent patient communication with our Doctors is passed on by our reception team. All correspondence is triaged to ensure the information is given to the appropriate staff member or Doctor in a timely matter

Please stress to the staff if you feel it is urgent that you speak with the doctor. If your matter is an Emergency please dial 000

Reminder System

Richmond Health Clinic also participates in national and state-based reminders systems such as the Pap smear and Immunisation registers.

If you do not wish to participate in these reminder systems please notify reception. Should it be determined that the patient needs to be recalled then 3 attempts at phone contact via a call or SMS will be made and if there is still no response then a letter will be sent to the last provided physical address that we have on our system. 

Our practice is committed to preventative care. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included in our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care.


We communicate in various ways which is vital for follow up in primary care. Reception staff might contact you through telephone, text messages, emails or letters. 

Text Messages

We do all our recalls and reminders through Hotdoc messaging system. They are Doctors would like to discuss the results of any investigations organised by them like x ray, blood tests, ct scan etc.

When we receive the results, you will automatically get a reminder to make either a telephone call or face to face appointment to discuss them with your doctor.

Doctors also would add reminders into the system for anything which needs to be followed up - like care plans, health checks, pap smears, screening tests etc.


Richmond Health Clinic does not correspond via emails containing any health Information. During the unprecedented Covid time, we are sending information like - Medical certificates, Pathology request forms, Referral forms etc.

If you request that we send you information via email, we would need either a verbal or written consent.

Results, Scripts & Referrals

All results are viewed by Clinical Staff. We operate a recall and reminder system.

Your doctor will advice when they expect results to arrive at the practice. Generally, patients are advised to ring reception after 11:00 AM and the receptionist can then advise you if an appointment for follow up is necessary. Any tests ordered by the Practice requires a follow-up appointment to discuss the results and plan further treatment. In adherence with our Privacy Policy Results will not be given over the phone .

A practice staff member may contact you to advise you that your results have returned and the doctor requires you to attend for the results. In order to monitor your health, maintain confidentiality, fulfil our ethical responsibilities and follow Medicare guidelines, we require that you attend your doctor for:

  • results,
  • medical certificates,
  • referral letters and
  • repeat prescriptions.

Our practice engages with Community Health centres, Allied Health and Specialists. To organise a referral for any of these services please make an appointment with one of our doctors.

Waiting Time

Nobody likes to be kept waiting, our staff understand this and endeavour to manage all appointments as punctually as possible. However, due to the unpredictable nature of a medical practice – doctors do sometimes run behind time. We regret any inconvenience caused due to these delays.

Please feel free to contact our reception staff to confirm whether your doctor is running on time BEFORE you arrive for your appointment. Please note that if you are late for an appointment it is at the discretion of the doctor as to whether you will still be seen.

Feedback and Complaints

Richmond Health Clinic is serious about the quality of the service which we provide and continuing improvement. Feedback from patients is welcome in any form. This can be verbal, over the phone but we prefer it in writing to the Practice Manager. 

Patients providing feedback will be contacted by phone or in writing to confirm receipt of their feedback or complaint.

All feedback and complaints are discussed within the management team and if further action is required progress reports will always be provided. 

If you still feel that your complaint was not dealt with appropriately by this practice you are entitled to contact the Australian Healthcare Complaints Commission.

Interpreter Service

Whatever you preferred language; we can help you organize an interpreter to assist with any language barriers.

Richmond Health Clinic uses the Telephone Interpreter Service 1300 131 450 when required.

We can organise an “over the phone” service or with 48 hours notice an “on site” service. We also arrange interpreters through the National Auslan Interpreter Service, for our hearing-impaired patients

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